A good example of how to illustrate this in a lesson is using fabric tape measures (perhaps the ones you can find in that well-known Swedish furniture store!). Instruct students to work in pairs and to measure the circumference of each other’s head. Once they have made a note of this tell them that this is a measure of intelligence – the larger the head, the more intelligence. Clearly this is not the case and discussions will ensue. From this you can introduce the term validity – you are not measuring intelligence, you are measuring head size. Then ask them what will happen if they repeat the measurement (and get them to do this). The measurement will be the same, allowing for a small margin of change for positioning of the tape measure). The experiment has been repeated with the same results. So, there is high reliability but low validity.
Pressure groups play a key role in the political system. They tend..
Absolutism is a political theory that suggests that power should b..
The infamous ‘Anarchy in the UK’ by the Sex Pistols could be playi..
A good overview of conservatism is provided by the Encyclopaedia B..
Elite theory is the notion that power is concentrated in the hands..
A range of resources are available to help with an introductory se..
Here students could be set the task of ‘teaching the teacher’ on l..
Robert Dahl (1961) suggested that modern societies are characteris..
Political protests have and do exist on a continuum from the peace..