The Road To Success

Having studied Sociology at university, Leyla Mehmet is now a recognised publisher and the proud owner of her own marketing company. Here she explains how it was her fascination with social behaviour that first attracted her to Sociology and how her newly acquired skills and knowledge in the subject have driven her to succeed in media.

The Road to Success - Leyla Mehmet

Sociology was part of a group of subjects I studied when I did my BA and although I always found it more interesting than the other subjects, I never imagined that it would play such a pivotal role in every decision, and indeed every job role, that I have had since graduation.

Learning about cultures, languages, the interpretation of data and social theories are just some of the skills that have pushed me forward at a high speed through my media career. In sociology, everything that the rest of the world regards as new, or novel or difficult to understand is simply another form of culture, another form of communication and another interesting case study. Sociology provides a framework of thinking and understanding that makes you not only understand and digest emerging information quickly and easily, but also makes it fun and interesting.

My experience of sociology is that it makes the whole world one long, interesting study into social behaviour and social behaviour is at the root of pretty much every business, every PR campaign and every political movement and news story. The world right now, with constantly evolving and emerging social media, global political movements, revolutions and economics, new technologies, the online world – this is sociology actually in action and, as a graduate, I find the experience of it is just fascinating!

Employers love this sort of thing and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that it is sociology that has got me to where I am today and what is still driving me to learn and achieve even more.

Sociology is at the root of pretty much every business, every PR campaign and every political movement and news story.


Leyla Mehmet Little

Local Marketing Company