World Sociology

Introductory Investigation

It is worthwhile thinking about the extent to which your students understand or know about life in other parts of the world. One useful project to work on, perhaps in the summer before the second year of A-level study, is an investigation into another country, its culture, politics and economy.

Websites like below

Discover More Save the Children

Discover More World Mapper

provide a plethora of information for students to use in creating a case study profile of another country. This could be something that they then build on as they study their World Sociology topics - for example, looking specifically at war and conflict in their region, the role of transnational corporations, education for girls and boys, and so forth.

More Resources from Discovering Sociology

Introduction to Key Ideas and Concepts

Sociology students come from a variety of different backgrounds – educational and otherwise. I...



The nature versus nurture debate also ties in with socialisation as it is through the process ...


Induction Week

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The cultural theorist Raymond Williams once described ‘culture’ as one of the most difficult word...
